
The Glee Club and Pierian Concert.

Sanders Theatre was filled to its utmost seating capacity yesterday evening when the Pierian Sodality struck up the martial strains of F. Lachner's march, "Opus 118." This number was played with admirable precision and the volume of sound that the orchestra produced was exceptionally fine. The march was played with great snap, the time being well preserved throughout. The quieter movement of the trio was given with force and taste. The bass did very good work in their exacting part. In general the Pierian has never done better in anything than in its rendering of this selection.

The Glee Club sang "Schneider's Band," to the great delight of the audience, This was followed by "Down by the River," and "Dutch Company." The latter was encored as Mr. Carpenter captivated the audience by his yodel, Mr. Swarts's solo, "Huttelein" was sung with admirable taste and great depth of feeling. He had to respond to an encore in this truly beautiful song.

The "British Patrol" by the Banjo Club was excellently rendered. The Club has been enlarged and through the addition of several excellent players and conscientious work they have succeeded in raising the standard of the playing far above what it was last fall.

"Auf Weidersehen," a part song by L. Liebe, was well rendered by the Glee Club. The words were translated from the German by Mr. Garrison, '88, for this occasion. This was followed by the Ear's Song" by J. L. Hatton which was sung with great snap and in good style.

Mr. Loeb's tasteful playing of a "Nocturne" by Lachmer, called forth much well-merited applause.


The Glee Club introduced a novelty in the shape of a song Yodel Duet, Mr. Honore sung the humorous ditty, "Imogene Donahue," and a quartette then rendered Mr. Carpenter's charming "Skating Song."

The "Vassar Galop" by the Banjo Club made a great hit and was vociferously encored.

The string orchestra rendered a characteristic "Evening Song" in the true spirit of the work. Heinz Von Stein, an admirable numorous adaptation of the two great themes from "The Walkure" was the best bit of singing the club has done for a long while. The attack was good, and the volume well sustained throughout.

The "1st Regiment March," by the Banjo Club, was greeted with unbounded applause, and received an encore. The waltzes by the Pierian were given with a great deal of snap and sprightliness. They made a welcome number of the programme. A mixed quartette, in which two of the singers sang falsetto, created much amusement. Mr. Carpenter's song, "Man in the Moon," was well sung and well received. It is a bright composition, and shows considerable originality.

As a final, the Pierian strings, piano, organ and the Glee Club, which had been enlarged to 40 voices, rendered Handel's "Largo" with a great deal of effect.

The concert was well up to the standard the musical organizations have held of late.
