

BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB. - Prof. Cooke will lecture to-night at 7.30 in Upper Boylston.

H. P. C. - There will be a meeting of the club this evening at the Brattle street rooms at 7.30. Election.

F. G. BALCH, Sec'y.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsals in Roberts Hall this afternoon and evening at 4.30 and 7.15. Every member must attend both rehearsals.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Very important rehearsal in Roberts Hall to-day (Thursday) at 4 p.m.

G. R. PAYSON, JR., Prest.HARVARD Y. M. C. A. - The election of officers for the ensuing year will take place after the regular meeting tonight at 6.43. All members are earnestly requested to be present.


J. H. ROPES, Sec'y.DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - Meeting this evening at 7.30 in 21 Stoughton. Prof. Sheldon will speak on "A Chapter from the History of Languages." Election of officers for 1887-88. A large attendance is desired.

W. G. THOMP SON, Sec'y.The Bicycle Club will be photographed to-day at 1.30, back of Sever. All active and associate members are urged to be present so as to make a full group. Active members will please bring their machines.

All seniors are requested to sit for the composit photograph to-day at 19 Grays. It takes only a few moments, and no appointment is necessary.

FRANK H. SELLERS,Chairman Photo Com.All those who want reserved seats for the Mott Haven games on May 28 will please sign the book at Bartlett's. The price of admission is $1, and reserved seats are $1.50. Everybody will please sign before Friday morning, as the Executive Committee of the H. A. A. will begin the sale of tickets in New York on Saturday, May 21st. Seats can be obtained only in New York after May 21.

H. L. CLARK.SPECIAL RULES FOR THE AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES. - The competition shall be limited to undergraduates. No man who has played or has been a substitute in a class game this year is eligible for membership on an amateur nine. No man can play on more than one nine. No game can be postponed for more than three days. Captains who agree to change the date of a game must give notice of such change to me.

