
Note and Comment.

For some time it has been whispered about among the athletic men of the university that a remarkably stimulant had been discovered by a certain natural history student here. All the old Cornellians have heard of Moses, '73. He was a remarkable individual, very brilliant in some ways, but odd, in everything. Many a strange story is still told about him, and his experiments in chemistry, perhaps we should say alchemy, have been repeated from student to student, year after year.

The above mentioned natural history man chanced one day to hear of a wonderful stimulant that Moses had discovered. As he was greatly interested in athletics he proceeded to investigate the matter. After much research he ascertained the ingredients of the mixture and one day last week resolved to try the compound. The nature of the stimulant is yet a dead secret. It is not even known whether it must be applied internally or externally. Suffice it to say that it produced a marvellous effect and the fastest quarter over run on the fair ground track was the result. Little has been said about the trial of the stimulant but the facts were too startling to be suppressed and they are fast leaking out.

It is unsafe to predict yet what will be the final effect of tho stimulant on the athletic team, but the men themselves already dream of a day not far distant when, thanks to Moses, '73, Cornell may win the Mott Haven cup. Cornell Sun.
