The freshmen had a opportunity yesterday to distinguish themselves before the college, and they succeeded quite well. Freshmen nines are seldom noted for their fine work at the bat, but yesterday surpassed all previous records in that line. The score on the first page will show how safely and how hard the freshmen hit the ball. However, justice is due the team which did not play a bad game in the field, considering the many opportunities they had for handling the ball.
What appears more disgraceful than the defeat is the "muckerish" way in which certain undergraduates attempted to win the game by yelling. Yesterday we had occasion to call attention to the evil which was creeping into the class games. Now, in an intercollegiate contest, Harvard has been reduced to the level which has always been the object of scorn and contempt heretofore, and deserves to remain so. It is much to be regretted that, besides those who supported the nine, there were men on the team itself, whose conduct eminently ill-fitted the occasion. The fresh man nine has one thing to learn before it undertakes to represent Harvard again on the ball field, and that is to play ball like gentlemen. The freshman class before it again cheers the errors of its opponents should learn that such conduct has always been considered contemptible at Cambridge.
Look to it that Harvard's reputation for manliness be not lost by the great zeal for victory in a game of ball.
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The Ninety-One Nine.