To-night the annual spring concert of the Glee Club, Pierian Sodality and Banjo Club takes place. In spite of the severe loss sustained in the resignation of Mr. Forchheimer from the leadership of the orchestra, as well as in the loss of some of its leading instrumentalists, the Pierian will do itself credit in the concert this evening, if credit is to come from constant and faithful practice.
The Banjo Club, which was organized last fall as an institution of the University has been received with deserved applause at the many concerts at which it has played during the winter, and will doubtless sustain to-night the reputation it has gained thus early in its career.
It is of the Glee Club, however, that we wish to speak particularly. Its share in the programme will be no small feature in the pleasure of the evening. The songs to be sung are even better than usual; taste and care have been shown in the selection of them and they cannot but be well received. A feature of the evening will be the rendering of Handel's Largo by the Pierian, and the Glee Club re-in-forced by some twenty voices.
The chorus and orchestra have been carefully trained and the piece will make a fitting ending for so well selected a programme.
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