EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: - Will you allow me to make use of your columns to thank half the senior class for the trouble they have recently taken in satisfying my curiosity. I sent them a circular last week asking for information about their expenses, and already the larger number of them have replied. I wish it were possible for me to acknowledge their letters individually and to tell them how kind I think them. A rather intrusive question has been answered with courtesy. Men have replied with much minuteness, have ransacked old account-books, have explained sudden variations of expenses occuring in successive years, have reported the means by which they have been able to earn money, have offered valuable criticisms of their own outlays and of those modes of living here which in their judgement materially increase or diminish cost. Again and again they have frankly acknowledged extravagance, and about as often have confided to me their struggles to live on less than was wise. In short they have given me just the information I desired and have then requested me to write again if I wished for more. I thank them heartily, and assure them that their trust shall not be abused.
My statistics will be so much more valuable if complete, that I venture to hope that those who have not answered yet may still incline to do so. Let nobody hesitate to write because he has spent more than he likes to think of and has not kept perfect accounts. These are important facts. A careful estimate will serve my purposes very well, and may perhaps better those of my correspondent. Till all the returns are in, a detailed exhibit of results cannot be given. But it is evident already that the style of living here is much simpler than it is popularly supposed. One-third of those who have written me spend under $700 a year; one half under $1000; three-fourths under $1200.
Very Truly Yours,G. H. PALMER.
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