At Southboro', Saturday afternoon, the freshmen met and defeated the representatives of St. Mark's school. The game was a close one, although marked by numerous errors, which latter were about evenly divided, for the freshmen did not play their usual good game. St. Marks made three runs almost entirely throught Ninety's errors, not one of their six runs being earned. Kielty pitched the first part of the game, after which Sabin was put in. Kielty pitched a good game, and struck out eight men. Young caught both pitchers, and played a perfect game behind the bat. St. Marks was unfortunate in respect to having men left on bases. The success of Ninety may be ascribed to the fact that all her hits were bunched, for she was out-fielded by her opponents. Not a small part of the day's enjoyment was due to the kind treatment of Ninety by St. Marks. The score by innings:
Innings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
St. Marks. 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 - 6
Ninety. 2 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 - 11
Two base-hits - McLeod. First on balls - Ninety, 1. Struck out - Kielty, 8; Sabin, 5; Prince, 5. Wild pitches - Kielty, 6; Prince, 3. Passed balls - Barnes, 6. Left on bases - St. Marks, 6; Ninety, 5. Umpire - Thayer, '79. Time - 2h. 15m.
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N. Y. A. C. Games.