FOUND. - In Matthews Hall a pointer puppy with plain strap collar. Owner can get him at 22 Matthews.
The Ninety tug will leave West Boston bridge at 3.45 this afternoon.
SAMUEL DEXTER, 1st.FRESHMAN NINE. - All members please be at 9 Bow street at 1.30 sharp.
G. R. PAYSON, Manager.H. U. B. B. C. - Excursion rate tickets to New Haven will not be sold at the station. They must be procured at Leavitt & Pierce's.
W. H. RAND, Tr.'89 TUG. - The tug "Curlew," will leave the West Boston bridge at 4 o'clock promptly. The fare, $1, will be collected at the bridge before starting. The places are now all engaged.
The referee's tug will start from the West Boston bridge, Cambridge street, at 3.30 punctually. The tug will then stay at the Longwood bridge until the race starts.
F. G. BALCH,Manager H. U. B. C.
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