The Yale freshmen play the Wesleyan freshmen to-day.
The Baby Ansons play the Bostons on Jarvis this morning at 10.30 o'clock.
Princeton Tug-of-war Team pulled Columbia's team at the Jersey City games.
Stagg, the Yale pitcher, recently refused an offer of the Indianapolis League nine.
Prof. Asa Gray will attend the coming meeting of the British Association at Manchester, England.
The examination for second year honors in Physics will be held May 21, in 28 Jefferson Physical Laboratory at 1.30 p.m.
A few days ago, the Yale freshmen crew in a two-mile race with the 'Varsity crew was beaten by a length and a half.
Dr. Brooks will not conduct chapel this morning as he is attending the Diocesan Convention. This will however be his last absence.
A concert was given at the Navarro flats, New York, on Saturday evening, for the benefit of the Columbia freshman crew, at which $500 was netted.
Professor B. O. Pierce will shortly hold an examination in scientific German I, that is prescribed in the Scientific School. All those who wish to take this examination are requested to send in their names to Prof. Pierce.
Eighty-seven plays Ninety this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
This year the class races at Columbia and Harvard occur on the same day, May 13.
During the summer, an addition will be built to the Aggassiz Museum in accordance with the original plan of conneoting it with the Peabody Museum.
The Yale Freshmen nine beat the Pottstown (Penn.), Hill School nine by a score of 13 to 12. Yale made five errors, and 8 hits were made off of Strait, Yale's pitcher.
The University of Pennsylvania freshmen have twelve men, training for their race with the Yale freshmen. The crew will not be selected till after the class races.
The failure of the CRIMSON to publish a full score of the game with Princeton on Monday was due to the negligence of the Boston office of the Western Union Telegraph Company.
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