

HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - The regular eight will meet to-day 1.30 precisely.

There will be an '87 tug for the races if enough men sign by Thursday noon. Tickets $1.50. Book at Bartletts.

All freshmen desiring to go on the '90 tug boat must sign to-day at Leavitt & Pierce's. No boat will be hired unless the requisite number have paid by three o'clock.

H. U. B. B. C. - The names of those who will go to New Haven, Saturday, must be signed at Leavitt & Pierce's by noon Thursday.

W. H. RAND, JR.Will all members who intend to spread with the Hasty Pudding Club on Class Day please send their names to 22 Weld Hall as soon as possible, as arrangements will have to be made as to number, &c.


ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Mr. Russell Sturgis, of Brookline, will address the Society at its rooms, No. 7 Gray's Hall, this evening at 7 o'clock. A cordial invitation to be present is extended to the public.

RUSSELL DUANE, President.CLASS OF 1887. - All those who have not had their photographs taken must make appointments immediately at Pach's if they wish to have their pictures included in the class album.

FRANK H. SELLERS,Chairman Photo. Com.Seniors are earnestly requested to pay their subscriptions to the class crew immediately, as there are certain bills which must be settled before the class races. Subscriptions may be sent by mail or paid in person at 39 Weld any day this week between 2 and 3.

J. M. JACKSON, Manager.
