There will be no lecture in History 12 to-morrow.
Exeter and Andover play their annual base-ball game, June 11th.
Since last June the Wesleyan Glee Club has given forty-six concerts.
The Cornell nine defeated the Ithaca professionals by a score of 30 to 0.
The Princeton Lacrosse Team beat the Druids of Baltimore by a score of 3 to 2.
The Harvard Lacrosse Team will play a picked twelve on Jarvis Field at 5 p.m.
The lecture in Dr. Hart's section of History 20 to-day will be held in his room.
The Freshman nine goes to Southboro next Saturday to play the St. Mark's nine.
The Law School nine will play the team from Tufts College at College Hill to-day.
Mr. Bernhard Berenson, '87, sails for Europe on the eighteenth of this month to be gone for a number of years.
The first four of the Thayer Club for 1887-8 are: Giddings, Huntington, Michael, and Shattuck, all of '87.
H. M. William's hand is rapidly recovering and he will probably play in the lacrosse game with Steven's Institute.
The eight-oared race between the Junior and Sophomore crews of the University of Pennsylvania for the Powell cup, on the Schuylkill, was won by the sophomores.
Princeton has an eating club composed entirely of men who are intending to become missionaries.
The date of examination for honors in Natural History has been decided to be Saturday, June 11, at 2 p.m.
Alarm 53 last night, which brought out a large number of students, was for a small fire in a shed near the boat house.
The Freshman nine went to the Boston Philadelphia, game Monday, and the 'Varsity witnessed yesterday's game.
The back nets on the tennis courts are taken down at 5.30 p.m. Much unfavorable comment is heard in regard to this regulation.
Mr. James H. Emerton lectures upon "Massachusetts Spiders" before the Natural History Society to-night at 7.30 o'clock.
The shooting match with the University of Pennsylvania takes place to-day at 2 o'clock at Watertown. The team will consist of Austin, Greene, Mead, Clyde and Palmer.
Any members of the University who are desirous of obtaining employment as canvassers, clerks, etc., during the summer vacation, are at liberty to leave their names and a written statement of their wishes with the secretary, Mr. Frank Bolles.
The Crimsons played their first championship game yesterday morning with the Volunteers, and were defeated by the score of 25 to 14. The batting was about even, but the Volunteers proved themselves much the superior team in the field. The Crimsons led up to the fifth innings, when accidents happened to their battery which prevented them from playing in their respective positions. But for these accidents the score would probably have been closer. The best fielding was done by Holmes, Dame and Sturgis, while Dexter, Holmes and Bancroft excelled at the bat. The score by innings:
Innings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Volunteers 4 4 0 4 1 4 1 7 -25
Crimsons. 1 4 7 1 0 0 0 0 1-14
Base hits - Crimson, 14; Volunteers, 16. Errors - Crimsons, 17; Volunteers, 9.
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