Full dress and business shirts; also, Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount. 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's, corner West and Washington streets, Boston.
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Special Notice.Full dress and business shirts; also, Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount, 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's,
Special Notice.Full dress and business shirts; also, Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount, 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's,
Special Notices.Full dress and business shirts; also Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure, Co-operative discount, 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's,
Special Notice.Full dress and business shirts; also, Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount. 10 per cent., allowed Ray's,
Special NoticesFull dress and business shirts; also, Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure, "Co-operative discount, 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's,
Special Notices.Full dress and business shirts; also Madras, Penang and Cheviot made to measure. Co-operative discount. 10 per cent., allowed. Ray's,