The current number of "Outing" is one of the best we have seen. The articles all have real interest in them, besides much information. In addition to the regular serials, "After Geronimo" and "Around the World on a Bicycle," there are a large number of short interesting articles. Among these a personal account of "The Carnival at Cologne" is perhaps most interesting because of its novelty. "Electric Time," "Travels on next to Nothing," "A Tramp Trip to Europe," and an article on "The New Playing Rules of Base-Ball" are full of valuable information. The rest of the number contains "Coursing Wild Turkeys in Colorado," "Yachts and Yacht Clubs in San Francisco," "Totally Dismasted," "A Bout with the Gloves," "A Bicycle Incident," "A Novel Canoe," "The Man who Lives in a Tree," and several verses interspersed.
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