


The lacrosse team played its first match yesterday afternoon on Jarvis against the Independents of Boston. The visitors were not able to put a full team in the field and three Harvard men consented to make up the twelve.

The referee, Mr. Sumner '87, placed the ball at five o'clock. It went quickly to the Harvard end of the field but was soon returned. The first fifteen minutes of play consisted of a succession of long throws and considerable fumbling by the attacks of both teams. Not until within five minutes of the end of the first half did Harvard secure a goal. Blodgett made the successful shot. The second half closed with the score 1 to 0 in Harvard's favor.

In the second half Harvard's attack did better team work at the start and Hale threw a goal at the end of seven minutes. Five minutes later some rather loose defence work which left goal impoverished allowed an independent to shuffle the ball through, making the score 2 to 1 which was not changed at the end of the game.

The ball was in Harvard's possession most of the last fifteen minutes, but the Independent defence was very active close in around goal and succeeded in keeping the score down. The following men played for Harvard: Latta, [Morton], Peabody, Williams, Goodale, Griffing, Gardner, Nichols, Davidson, Henshaw [Towle]. Hall, Blodgett, Harding.
