
Fact and Rumor.

The Princetonian came into the hands of the '88 board last week.

The freshmen will play the English High School Team on Jarvis, Saturday afternoon.

Only two members of the present Princeton Lacross Team were on the twelve last year.

The literary and debating society, the Idler Club, of the Annex will hold an "at home" on Friday afternoon.

The following men from '88 have been elected to the Pi Eta: Leland, Pratt, Trull, Wiley and W. W. Gale.


The Technology sophomores won their first game Monday, from the English High School nine by a score of 11 to 5.

The class races will take place on Friday, the 13th of May, at 4.30 o'clock, instead of on the 10th at 12 o'clock, as announced.

The Boston Institute of Technology freshmen defeated the Adams School nine at Quincy Monday afternoon, by a score of 16 to 7.

The Lacrosse Team will play a practice game with the Independents of Boston, the present holders of the United States championship, on Jarvis, to-day at 5 p.m.

Stemmyer and Tate were the battery for the Bostons against the Yale nine yesterday.

Malcolm W. Ford, the champion athlete, was finally declared to be a professional at the meeting of the executive committee of the National Association of Amateur Athletes of America, Monday evening.

The lacrosse team in the game with the Independents to-day will be: goal, Latter; defence, Peabody, Williams, Goodale, Griffing, Weed; centre, Nichols; attack, Davidson, Blodgett, Henshaw, Hale, Harding. Substitutes, Towle, Morton.

Among the talks to be given under the auspices of the Natural History Society there will probably be one on "Mollusca,' by Professor E. S. Morse, of Salem; one on "Sponges," by Professor Wyett of the Institute of Technology, and one on "Worms," by Dr. Charles Minot of the Harvard Medical School. This evening Dr. Kingsley, editor of the "Standard Natural History," will speak of "Massachusetts Crustacea," illustrating the lecture by live and alcoholic specimens.

A letter was received last Friday from the University of Pennsylvania freshmen, challenging the Yale freshmen to a two-mile straightway, eight-oared race at New London. At a meeting of the Yale freshmen Monday night it was voted to accept the challenge. The race will probably be rowed the same day as the Harvard-Yale University race. The Yale freshman feel very bitter against the Harvard freshmen for their refusal to permit the Yale crew to participate in the Harvard-Columbia freshman race, and if Yale defeats the Pennsylvania crew, it is proposed to challenge the winner of the Harvard-Columbia freshman race. - Boston Herald.
