

There will be a meeting of the Pierian Sodality in 35 Thayer at 1.30. It is especially requested that all the members attend as the time before the spring concert is very short.

B. CARPENTER, Sec.To SENIORS. - The order lists must be filled out and sent to Pach's studio immediately in order to ensure their being filled before Class Day.

All seniors who have lost or mislain their lists may procure duplicates at the studio.

THE PHOTO COMMITTEE.GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal with Mr. Locke this afternoon. Members are urged to be on hand punctually at 4.30.

EVERETT ATHENAEUM. - Dinner post-Meeting to-night in 19 Gray's. A full attendance is requested,


C. H. MOORE, Sec.HASTY PUDDING CLUB. Full rehearsal with orchestra at 3 p.m. sharp, at Horticultural Hall. Attendance must be prompt and without fail.

H. P. C. THEATRICALS. - Tickets for sale at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily.

E. FLAGG.Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D.. will address the St. Paul's Society - and the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association in Lawrence Hall this evening at 6.45. All students are invited.

