EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: Allow me to make public through your columns, a few facts in regard to the foot-ball controversy with Williams which your correspondent appears to have forgotten and which may justify the management in allowing current reports to stand.
September 30th we received a letter from Williams asking us to play them at Williamstown and giving us two dates, October 23rd and 27th. We answered that we would play on the 23rd. October 7th, a week later, Williams telegraphed, "am sorry, but cannot play you after all." The following day we learned that Yale was to play at Williamstown the 23rd.
The length of time which elapsed before the receipt of this telegram led us to believe that the game with Yale was not arranged until some time after they had our letter, signifying our willingness to play them on the date they had chosen. The fact also that Winston, Yale's trainer, was training the Williams team was significant.
The telegram of October 11th, by your correspondent, has no bearing on the matter. It was sent in answer to our asking for some later date and dispatched after we heard of the arrangement with Yale.
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