
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no more recitations in English 12 this week.

The junior dinner will probably take place on Thursday week.

The Yale nine is to play two league teams at New Haven this week.

The [freshman nine will play the Rovers at Brookline, next Saturday.

The Bowdoin nine will play the Harvard team next Saturday on Holmes.


The freshmen have been rowing only one crew and two substitutes for several days.

The Amherst freshmen will play the Yale freshmen at New Haven next Saturday.

Tulmir and Pierce will be the umpires of the College League for the coming season.

The freshman nine will play a team from the Boston Latin School to-morrow afternoon.

The list of the rooms to be drawn for, May 5, has been posted on the bulletin at the Bursar's office.

Davidson the first basemen of the Amherst nine, is said to be the tallest baseman on any college team.

In the first game between the Yale nine and the New Yorks, Dann threw out six men at second.

The playing of Kellogg and Hunt in a the outfield of the Yale nine has been very favorably commented on.

The Princeton Base-Ball nine uniforms are handsomer this year than ever before.

Donovan, who was one of the umpires of the Intercollegiate League, will be unable to act this year on account of illness.

The base-ball game which was to have been played with Brown yesterday was postponed on account of the storm.

The Worcester Technology nine will play the Massachusetts Institute team of Boston on the Union grounds next Saturday.

The chances that Harvard plays the Cochituates to-morrow are small, unless the weather makes a mistake and proves clear.

The members of the Yale nine claim that they would have beaten the Washingtons had not the latter "rattled" them by yelling.

The photographic committee say it will be impossible to make a complete album unless the seniors sit for their pictures immediately.

The University of Pennsylvania nine has beaten the Amherst and Williams nines twice and tied the score in a game with the Princeton team.

Noyes, of the Yale nine made four hits in the games with the Washingtons and two in the game with the Newark nine, one of which was a three-bagger.

Rev. Phillips Brooks is to address the St. Paul's Society and the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association in Lawrence Hall, to-morrow evening at 6.45. All students are cordially invited.

Prof. Croswell has been obliged to assume charge of his school in New York immediately, so Prof. J. W. White will conduct Prof. Croswell's course, Greek 2, hereafter, and Prof. White's place in Greek 1 will be filled by Mr. W. Amory Gardiner, '86.

The University of Vienna has 6135 students now, against 5007 at the beginning of the year. To greater number of students ever attended any university, though not much is heard about this one. Among them are over 100 Americans and Australians attending the scientific department.
