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Gentlemen may obtain first class board at a general table, after April 3th. Mrs. Dunlop, 410 Harvard street.

Tennis goods now ready. Tennis striped goods; 50 different styles tennis caps; 50 different striped blazers; white tennis pants, long and short, made to measure; Norfolk jackets, all colors; 5000 French flannel shirts; tennis all-leather shoes; gymnasium shoes, high and low cut; rackets, tennis balls, nets. Co-operative discount. J. Brine, 10 and 11 Harvard Row.

Students' furniture repaired and reupholstered at very slight cost. Camp chairs let for all occasions.

A fine line of portieres are shown at remarkably low prices. Some German art pictures framed in gilt, 20x15, are but $1.50, at Power's, 30 Boylston street.

$50 Reward. The above reward will be paid to any one who has clothes soiled or stained if I fail to remove the same, (provided the stain is not from any kind of acid). J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard Street.


I am ready to show a full variety of tennis goods. 75 different patterns in English tennis and cricket caps, best quality and make. English flannel (stripped) blaizers, tennis flannel and English serge pants, long and short, and a large assortment of tennis and gymnasium shoes. French fancy flannel shirts, different styles of cheviot shirts, etc I make a specialty of white twill tennis flannel and white English serge which is warranted not to shrink. I have great facility for manufacturing the above goods and I guarantee to give perfect satisfaction and to make cheaper and better than any other store in the city. J. F. Noera, 436 Harvard street, Cambridge.

$100 a week! Ladies or gentlemen desiring pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want you to handle an article of domestic use that recommends itself to every one at sight. Simple as flour. Sells like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Families wishing to practice economy should for their own benefit write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all. Circulars free. Agents receive sample free. Address, Domestic Manufacturing Company Marion. Ohio.
