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The present year has been singularly fortunate in respect to the large bequests that have been made for the promotion of learning and the advancement of the college in other branches of utility. So much has been given towards the embellishment of the University, that even the most sanguine of Harvard's friends hardly dared to hope for a further increase of funds directed to promote its interests, but through the generosity of an undergraduate and a former member of college, a need which has long been felt is at last to be fulfilled and the gymnasium will be rendered doubly attractive by the addition of a large, commodious and elegantly finished swimming-bath. To this addition the lockers in the basement of the gymnasium will be removed, and thus more room will be furnished for the less important branches of physical culture. It seems like a myth when we realize that the undergraduates' favorite fancy is at last to be realized, and that Hemenway will be the only college gymnasium to have the luxury of a swimming-bath. The thanks of the University are due to the generous contributors to this project, without whose aid the new auxiliary to the gymnasium would be a thing of the distant future. Whatever may be said of "Harvard indifference" nevertheless the fact remains, that when any crying need is felt, Harvard's sons are always loyal.
