
Fact and Rumor.

Parker, '89, is now stroking the sophomore crew.

Dr. F. G. Peabody preached at Cornell last Sunday.

Miss Susan Binney, a daughter of Horace Binney, has left a legacy of $5000 to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital.

It is rumored that the date of May 10th has been decided on for the class races.

There will be an examination in the lecture course of N. H. 4, on Friday, April 22.


All the tennis courts on Holmes' field, and three on Jarvis field, are ready for use, and a large number of men play every day.

General Francis A. Walker and Professor Goodwin were among those honored Saturday by Columbia College with the title of LL. D., while Alice E. Freeman, president of Wellesley College, and Professor Child of Harvard were among those who received the title of doctor of letters. D. D. was conferred upon Rev. Phillips Brooks.

The Columbia nine defeated the New Yorks Wednesday, 8 to 6. George and Matterson pitched for the New Yorks, and were hit for 10 hits, while the New Yorks only made seven clean hits off Gates of the Columbias. Not a hit was credited to O'Rourke, the majestic, or to Connor, the great hitter. It was the first victory of a college team over a league organization.

The Yale Freshman Crew began rowing in a shell during the recess.

It is rumored that the Cambridge, Eng., crew which was recently victorious over Oxford, has sent a challenge to Harvard, the race to be rowed in America at some place to be agreed upon hereafter.

The ostrich which was lately presented to the Biological Department was found to contain two cents, a brass button and a hair brush. The seniors wish to help in its dissection, in the hope of finding a stray watch or so. - Pennsylvanian.

At the meeting of the National Lawn Tennis Association last week, it was voted that the tournament for championship singles should take place at Newport, August 22, and the following days until decided, and the tournament for championship doubles at Orange on Tuesday, Sept. 6, and succeeding days. In the singles all matches are best 3 out of 5, vantage sets. Heretofore they have been simple sets. Competitors defeated by the winner will play for second prize, best 2 out of 3, vantage sets. A special prize will be offered for those defeated in the first round of singles, best 2 out of 3, vantage sets. All matches in the doubles will be best 3 in 5, vantage sets. - Herald.

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