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As the spring advances the day set for the class races draws nearer and nearer. As yet it is a little too early to make a forecast of the winner, but it is generally agreed that the race will be as close and exciting as was that of last year. The crews have now been on the water for nearly a month, and during this time rapid progress has been made in the style and form of rowing, individually and collectively. The candidates for the freshman crew have used to great advantage the week set apart for the spring vacation in getting ready for their race with Columbia. The '89 crew has been the greatest loser in men who have left their boat to take seats in the 'Varsity crew and it is rather doubtful, if, in their present condition, they do any better or even as well as they did last year. The junior and senior classes will each enter strong crews and between them the race for leadership at the finish will be well contested.
