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It gives us great pleasure after our week's vacation to note the changes that have been made about the college yard with the view of improving the appearance of the turf. In many places the earth has been upturned, carefully raked and put in readiness to receive the flowers and shrubbery which, we understand, are to be planted in a few days. Along the edges of the grass plots where the grass has been rudely worn down, fresh sods have been placed. The flower beds have been laid in many instances close to the corners of the college buildings, along the routes which have been used by students as "short cuts" regardless of the fact that narrow foot-paths across the turf mean death to the young grass. The pernicious practice of crossing the college yard wherever it suits one's convenience cannot be censured too severely, and it is to be hoped that the care which will be taken by the college authorities to preserve the beauty of the grass plots will not be forgotten by the undergraduates.
