Work begins again to-day. Not work alone however, for lucky dogs that we are, this last term of our college year is always a sweet springtide of happiness. The time of winter, of snow and hail, cold winds and frosts is all past. This Easter vacation has put a long distance between all that and the present fair days. Now come the delicious siestas after dinner under the trees of the yard, while we smoke philosophically and listen to the glee club. Now is the tennis, the ball games, the boating and the cool winds blowing into our open windows. Ah! ye gods! why can this not last always?
If you are freshmen, drink deep from the cup and learn for the first time what life is. Sophomores and juniors repeat the happiness, you have found before. If you are seniors, que Dieu soit avee vous. Let the bitterness of the thought that this is your last brief season of rest before entering the hard struggle of life but make the time the madder and the merrier. Live while you can for to-morrow you die.
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