
Hasty Pudding Theatricals.

The following is a press notice of the theatricals given by the Hasty Pudding Club in New York on Monday evening:

"The entertainment took place in the concert hall of the Metropolitan Opera House before a large audience. An original extravaganza in three acts, entitled "The Talisman; or, the Maid, the Monk and the Minstrel," was produced. The burlesque told the story of a marquis of the old regime, who sought to marry his daughter Marguerite to a certain Count Fleurdelis. The lady, however, loves a poor minstrel called Florimel. The minstrel, who is taken under the care of the Goddess of Truth, succeeds, with the aid of the Abbe Kakatoes, in setting at naught the designs of the marquis and the count, and eventually winning his lady love. The cast was composed entirely of young gentlemen, who covered themselves with glory. The chorus was well drilled, and rendered the several pieces in a superior manner, the nursery rhymes in the first act. and the garden song, with "Good Night" chorus, in the second act, being particularly noticeable. The cast was as follows: Abbe Kakatoes, D. P. Griswold; Florimel, L. Honore; Marquis Croquemitaine, F. Remington; Marguerite, C. Carroll; Count Fleurdelis, H. Homans; Miss Medusa, W. Endicott, 3d; Mignonette, W. A. Brooks; Cliquot, T. Clyde, 3d; the Goddess of Truth, C. A. Degersdorff; Signorita Seraphita, W. B. de Billier. - Boston Herald.
