HASTY PUDDING CLUB. - Rehearsal of principals and chorus at 4 p.m. sharp in the old building.
PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal to-night. Strings at 7; full orchestra at 7.30. Every member must attend this rehearsal.
W. FORCHHEIMER.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS. - There will be a very important rehearsal of both principals and chorus this evening at 7.30 sharp. It is absolutely necessary that every one should be present.
HARVARD CRICKET CLUB. - Will be in my room, 24 Beck Hall, this afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock, to give out shingles and medals.
H. H. HUNNEWELL, JR., Sec'y.H. H. A. - Competitors who did not buy the two extra tickets to which they are entitled, last night, may do so at the Co-operative to-day.
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