Since the appointment of the new captain of the freshman nine, some energy has been manifested in baseball matters in the freshman class, and work has commenced in good earnest, some thirty or thirty-five men training every day. It must be a source of satisfaction to the rest of the class and also to the whole university to know that the apparent indifference displayed during the early part of the term has been thrown off and that an earnest attempt will after all be made to make amends for last year's freshman defeat. Thus far no definite course of work has been laid out, and for the present the men training for in field positions are at work throwing and catching, in the Lincoln rink, from four till five o'clock each afternoon. The rest of the work consists of a half hour's run and a half hour of gymnasium work, which course is pursued merely to get the men in condition to stand the more severe training to follow.
At present it is hard to make any predictions as to the efficiency of those training, but there are at present about six batteries practicing, of which it will probably be possible to select two fairly good ones. There are some five or six freshmen training with the University nine, and with the aid of these, a presentable team may be gotten together by spring. A number of games are being arranged for by the management, and some have already been settled upon with the freshman nines of other colleges, so that a lack of practice cannot be apprehended. - Yale News.
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