Forensic Lecture. Professor Royce. Sever 11, 4 p.m.
Divinity School Chapel. Debate, 4 p.m.
Question: "Resolved, That an extended Liturgy in Public Worship is desirable."
Regular disputants: - Affirmative: G. D. Latimer. Negative: E. C. Smith.
Bowdoin Prize Dissertation The Treatment of the American Loyalists during and after the Revolutionary War. Mr. C. F. A. Currier. Sever 5, 7.30 p.m.
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Notice.Recommended Articles
Crimson Business CandidatesThe competition from the class of 1912 for the position of second assistant business manager of the CRIMSON will open
University Calendar.Classical Philology 1. Roman Religion and Worship. Professor Greenough. Harvard 1, 3.30 p.m. Divinity School. Debating Club. Divinity Library, 4.30
HARVARD UNIVERSITY CALENDAR.MARCH 11. SUNDAY. Appleton Chapel, 7.30 P.M. Rev. C. B. Crane, D. D., of Boston. Text : Isaiah 30 :
Calendar.Foot Ball Meeting.-Holden Chapel, 7.15 P.M.
THE WEEK.[This Calendar will be published weekly. Secretaries of societies and all others desiring to have announcements made in this column
FACT AND RUMOR.The college faculty meet this afternoon. The tennis courts have been numbered. There was a cut on freshman physics yesterday.