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It is with great pleasure that we print the announcement of the concert to be given in aid of the fund for the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. The willingness with which the three musical societies, the Glee Club, the Pierian Sodality and Banjo Club, accepted the invitation of the Classical Club to give this concert cannot be too highly commended. Harvard was largely instrumental in founding the American School, but has as a university been extraordinarily slow to contribute any actual sum for its support. To quote from an admirable editorial in the last "Harvard Monthly": "It is rather surprising that our students have done so little, while our professors have done so much, for the school. The example of the students of the University of Pennsylvania should rouse us to do something. A Greek play, perhaps, is not to be thought of. Our genius at present does not seem to be of the Hellenic or histrionic kind Among us, as elsewhere, music is the dominant art. It has been suggested that the Glee Club and Pierian Sodality give a concert in aid of the school." Now that this suggestion has been practically taken up and acted upon, the students will no doubt be glad to second the laudable efforts of the societies to the best of their powers. It is the hope of the management that quite a considerable sum may be secured by the concert on the eighteenth.
