
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. Edward E. Hale conducted the service, the prevailing thought of which was that man's life is to be devoted, not to himself, but to the advancement of his fellow-mortals. The choir sang "Hark! My Soul," by Stuart, after which Dr. F. G. Peabody offered prayer. The soloist, Mr. C. F. Webber, sang "Oh! for a closer walk with God," an anthem for solo and chorus. Dr. Hale then delivered the address.

The man who lives under an absolute monarchy could never write understandingly about the kingdom of God, because his mind would not be broad enough to grasp the subject. He would be continually thinking of the different social relations, between man and man on earth, which do not exist in heaven. A student who does not use his knowledge to enlighten those of his follow-creatures who have not enjoyed his advantages, makes a misuse of the powers which God has given him. In conclusion, Faure's "Crucifix" was sung by a chorus of tenors and basses.
