

GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal with Mr. Locke at 7.30 this evening. Please be as punctual as possible.

HASTY PUDDING CLUB. - Schoolgirls at 3 p.m. sharp without fail. Full rehearsals at 4 and 7 p.m. Attendance must be prompt.

CLASS OF '88. - A class meeting will be held in Boylston at 7.30 this evening to make arrangements for a class dinner.

F. B. LUND, Sec'y.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB. - Meeting at 7.30 to-night in 18 Hollis. Papers by W. H. Black, W. G. Forsyth and H. B. Gibson.

THEO. W. RICHARDS, Sec'y.D. K. E. THEATRICALS. - A barge will leave Bartletts's for Union Hall at 1 p.m., sharp, to-day. Lunch on board. Every one must be on hand promptly.


G. B. PAINTER.The Rt. Rev. W. C. Doane, S. T. D., LL. D., Bishop of Albany, will preach before the St. Paul's Society in St. John's Chapel, this evening at half-past seven. A cordial invitation to be present is extended to the public.

RUSSELL DUANE, President.H. U. B. B. C. - Season tickets may be obtained at Leavitt amp; Pierce's and at Sanborn's. In place of the subscription ticket there will be a $7 ticket, entitling the bearer to a reserved seat and a score-card. Other tickets $5.

