The University crew is still rowing in the gymnasium.
Ten men will enter Yale next fall from the Hartford High School.
There will be a meeting of the CRIMSON board to-day at 1.30 o'clock.
There are only twelve men training for the Yale freshmen crew at present.
Efforts are being made to form a sparring association at Harvard. - New.
Yale and Columbia play ball in New York on the day of the Mott Haven games.
Mr. Lathrop thinks that the mile bicycle record can be reduced to less than two minutes.
The Rev. George Zabriskie Gray conducted the services in Appleton Chapel last evening.
The annual expenditure of Harvard is $620,000, of Cornell $246,000, and of Yale about $200,000. - Ex.
The Faculty of Williams are dissatisfied with the new system of cuts and intend to abolish it.
The last Yale News contains an article on the University nine and a criticism of the freshman crew.
The management of the Yale "Consolidated Nine," so-called, already has arranged games with the nines of Hartford and Meriden.
Mr. James Russell Lowell is to lecture on Shakspere before the students of Oxford during his stay abroad.
The Yale News of Friday contains a long communication, advocating the formation of a foot-ball league between Yale and Harvard.
The "Advocate" appeared Saturday. Lack of space prevented our reviewing it in to-day's paper. The review will appear to-morrow.
The Oxford-Cambridge race on Saturday resulted in an easy victory for the Cambridge men, who led from the start. Oxford broke an oar at the end of the third mile, but rowed out the race pluckily. Cambridge had a professional coxswain.
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