
Fact and Rumor.

The Cambridge-Oxford 'Varsity race occurs to-day.

The 'Varsity crew went on a long walk Thursday.

Hanlan, the famous single-sculler, rows on the Charles river every day.

The Columbia crew rowed on the Harlem river for the first time last week.

Theme number ten in English 12 must be returned corrected Monday morning.


We understand that class prayer-meetings are to be started in University.

The Rev. George Zabriskie Gray will preach in Appleton Chapel to-morrow evening.

The 'Varsity nine practiced on Holmes field for the first time this year on Thursday.

There was a large audience in Chickering Hall at the Princeton Glee Club concert in New York last week.

There will be an hour examination for those who take the reading course in N. H. 4, next Friday at 12 o'clock.

A Yale graduate has promised to pay $1,000 towards paying off the debt incurred in laying out the Yale field.

For some time past a daily callendar similar to that published in the CRIMSON has appeared in the Yale News.

An attempt is being made to get Montague, Bishop's rival mind reader, to give a performance in Princeton.

Oxford and Cambridge will soon hold their annual inter-university athletic meeting at the Lillie-Bridge grounds London.

The Princetonian of Wednesday contains a sketch of the Intercollegiate Base-ball League which has just been dissolved.

Rutgers receives an annual endowment fund from the state of New Jersey sufficient to furnish forty students with tuition free of charge.

The New Yorks will play the Columbia College nine on the 6th and 11th of April; the Yale nine on the 8th, and the Princeton nine on the 16th and 18th.

The playing rules of the new base-ball league consisting of Princeton, Yale, Columbia and Harvard will be substantially the same as those of the intercollegiate league of last year.

The system of college elective studies was given its first start in this country in 1851, when Dr. Francis Wayland, president of Brown University, who had been making investigations abroad, published his "New College System." - Ex.

The Yale University boat crew is in a very bad fix at present. Stevenson has diptheretic sore throat and is unable to practice; Wilcox has gone home with bronchitis, and Capt. Rogers, Wells, and Gill are all suffering from very bad colds.

The final selections of the Columbia 'Varsity and Freshman crews will be made on May 1st, when eight members and four substitutes will be chosen for the 'Varsity, and eight members and two substitutes for the Freshman crews. - Ex.

The proposition of Harvard and Princeton to withdraw from the inter-collegiate foot-ball league and form a league composed of Yale, Harvard and Princeton, does not meet with much favor at Yale. Yale will probably call a meeting soon and discuss the matter.
