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We would respectfully call the attention of the authorities who preside over the college yard to a little matter which is under their jurisdiction. We wish to enter an emphatic protest against the water which the pump near Matthews supplies to thirsty students. This water is, and has been for a long time, totally unfit to drink. We have been told on good authority that the water has been analyzed and found to contain impurities to a large amount. Now whatever the cause of this pollution is, it seems to us that the water ought not to remain in this condition. Although it may be in a certain sense pleasant, it is not always convenient, to run from this pump to some other place in order to get rid of the disagreeable taste which the water leaves. Yet this is the process which many a thirsty but confiding youth has been through.

We hope that the well may be cleaned out as soon as the warm weather permits and that it will again be restored to its proud superiority as of old - when it was said that the best water in Cambridge was that which splashed from the nozzle of the old college pump into the battered tin dipper hanging at its side.
