The Amherst College Alumni Association of New York held a meeting Monday to consider some means of endowing a professorship at Amherst College in memory of the late Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Among those present were Rev. Dr. J. H. Seelye, president of Amherst College; Henry D. Hyde of Boston, chairman of the finance committee of the board of trustees; Rev. William H. Ward and Colonel Mason W. Tyler. Charles D. Adams presided. It was proposed to raise $50,000 to endow the professorship of physical culture in memory of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, which is now held by Dr. Edward Hitchcock. President Seelye gave a detailed statement of the financial condition of the college. He approved the plan of a Beecher memorial, and was of the opinion that if this fellowship was endowed, others would be in a short time. Amherst had one great drawback - that among her alumni there were not wealthy men, as there were among the alumni associations of other colleges.
After considerable discussion a committee was appointed to consider a plan for raising funds for the Beecher memorial and report at the next meeting, which will be called at an early date by the chair.
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