Yale will probably play Cornell in New Haven on May 17.
Eight of the nine fraternities at Amherst will have chapter houses.
There are only thirteen candidates for the Yale crew at present.
There was skating on Lake Whitney, near New Haven, last week.
Sixty-nine men have signed the constitution of the Yale Dramatic Association.
The Yale Alumni Association of New York held its annual dinner at Delmonico's last Friday.
In spite of the talk about the inability of Technology to form a nine, there are over twenty-five promising candidates on the list.
The faculty at Yale have followed the worthy example of our corporation and are going to have plank walks in the campus.
The Yale nines have not yet begun out-door work; it is expected, however, that the field will be in suitable condition in a few days.
The Wesleyan and Amherst Glee Clubs are to give a joint concert at Hartford, this evening. The clubs appear on the programme alternately, and at the end of each part a piece is given by both the clubs together.
Some of the lower panes in the windows of the gymnasium shower bath room are now almost entirely devoid of white paint to obstruct the view.
Hight, '89, has returned to college. A severe abscess on his hand will prevent him from rowing at present, but it is hoped that he will begin work with his class crew before long.
The supreme court of the Ames-Gray for the coming year of the Law School, 1887-88, will be composed of the follow-members: H. N. Castle, E. L. Conant, F. E. Dickerman, G. C. Ford, J. W. Mack, A. E. McCordie, C. R. Saunders, Osgood Smith.
The next number of the "Atlantic Monthly" will contain among others the following articles: "On the Big Horn," John Greenleaf Whittier; Song, Mary N. Prescott; 'The Second Son," XII.-XVI. M. O. W. Oliphant and T. B. Aldrich; "Russia in Asia," W. H. Ray; "Lazarus Mart'n, de Cullud Lieyer," William W. Archer; "Via Crucis," Edward Irenaeus Stevens; "Paul Patoff," VIII., IX. F. Marion Crawford; "A Tory Parson," Louise Imogen Gurney; "The Pleasure of the King," Henry Guy Carleton; "Our Hundred Days in Europe." II. Oliver Wendell Holmes; General McClellan.
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Honor System at Williams.