
Senior Class Meeting.

The senior class met in Lower Boylston last evening to take action upon the death of Mr. Fessenden. Mr. Coolidge in expressing the deep affliction which the friends of his classmate were under asked that the class take action in the matter, and that some suitable expression of sympathy be made. By vote the president was empowered to appoint a committee of three, who should draw up a series of resolutions expressing the feeling of the class. Mr. Jackson. Mr. Gray and Mr. Brooks were appointed. The matter of wearing gowns at class day in place of the customary dress suits was brought up. Mr. Endicott, speaking of the class-day committee, said that the plan was not feasible, both because it would be too expensive, while the dress suits would still have to be worn, and also because it was not deemed advisable to do away with a custom so long established as that of wearing dress suits on Class Day. The plan was voted unanimously to be undesirable. The meeting was then adjourned.
