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We spoke a few days ago of the great part which the daily newspapers of our large cities have in fostering feelings of distrust and enmity between the prominent colleges. An instance of this comes to hand at a very fitting moment. On Monday last the Boston Globe published certain facts about Columbia and Yale colleges, as coming from reliable sources. We at once telegraphed to Yale, asking if there was any truth in the statements as printed. As no reply was received, we republished parts of the articles in question, making some editorial comment on them. Yesterday morning a dispatch came from Yale denying the statements in toto. But the articles had been read throughout the college, and the mischief was already done. We write this as an amende honorable to the colleges in question, due to them on account of this mischance, for which we can scarcely be held accountable; and we can only deplore the fact that our newspapers are so in the habit of publishing stories which they must know are make up out of whole cloth.
