HASTY PUDDING CLUB. - Rehearsals at 4 and 7 p.m., sharp, in the old building.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB. - Meeting at 1.30 this afternoon at 16 Holyoke House.
PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal to-night. Strings at 7; full orchestra at 7.30. Every member must attend this rehearsal.
W. FORCHHEIMER.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Postponed meeting this (Tuesday) afternoon. Car leaves at 1.30 P.M.
CARLETON GREENE, Sec'y.D. K. E. THEATRICALS. - Important principal rehearsal this afternoon at 4.30. Chorus this evening at 7.30, sharp. Everyone must be present.
Will all who intend to enter the light and feather-weight sparring please meet at 28 Grays at 7.30 this evening.
H. L. CLARK.FINANCE CLUB. - There will be an extra meeting of the club this evening at 7.30 in U. 13. Mr. E. J. Rich, '87, will read a paper on "Over Production as a Cause of Industrial Depression." Discussions will follow in which Mr. Uriel H. Crocker of Boston, Professors Macvane, Laughlin and Taussig and others are expected to take part.
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Official Notice.