

Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia.


Saturday the new base-ball association which has been in progress of formation for so long a time sprang into life. The following delegates from the four colleges represented met at the Parker House at 10 o'clock and adopted a constitution for the new association and decided upon a schedule of championship games:

Harvard - President W. H. Rand, Capt. W. W. Willard, ex-Capt. S. E. Winslow; Yale - President J. Archibald, Jr., Capt. J. C. Dann and A. A. Stagg; Princeton - President H. L. Goehring and Capt. Adrian H. Larkin; Columbia - President S. C. Herriman and Manager Atherton Curtis.

Besides the regular delegates there were a number of base-ball men seen about the corridors, who rendered valuable professional assistance. Chief among those from Yale were noticed Bremner and Badger, who have filled important positions on the Yale nines of the past. F. W. Smith, '86, and James A. Frye, captain of the champion CRIMSON nine, were present also. Representatives from Spalding of Chicago and Reach of Philadelphia advocated the advantages of their respective firms.

Mr. Archibald of Yale called the meeting to order. He was unanimously chosen temporary chairman, while H. L. Goehring of Princeton was made temporary secretary.


The first order of business was the formation of a constitution for the new League. The old constitution of the Intercollegiate Base-ball Association was taken as a model but it was changed so essentially and completely that the result bears but little resemblance to it. The changes made, and the important provisions inserted, will be found in the following extracts from the new constitution, as finally adopted:

ARTICLE I. The name of this association shall be the College Base-ball League.

ARTICLE II. - Section 3. No college other than those named shall be admitted to membership except by unanimous consent of the League.

ARTICLE III. - Section 1. The officers shall consist of a president, to be elected from the college holding the championship, a vice-president, a secretary and treasurer, and a Judiciary Committee. All officers shall be elected by ballot, except the Judiciary Committee.

Section 2. The Judiciary Committee shall consist of the captains of the clubs of the League. Each college shall have one vote. In case of disagreement the matter shall be referred to the Advisory Committee, hereafter provided for.

ARTICLE V. Each club shall be entitled to its own gate receipts and pay its own expenses, unless mutually agreed otherwise.

ARTICLE VI. - Section 1. Any club having agreed to play a championship game with another club on a certain day, and refusing or failing to meet its engagement, shall, unless the failure be caused by an unavoidable accident, in travelling, or the game prevented by rain, or postponed with the consent in writing of the other club, forfeit its membership in the League. A certificate signed by at least three members of the faculty shall be considered a sufficient excuse for failure to play a scheduled game.

ARTICLE VII. Any student who has been pursuing a course of study through the entire collegiate year and whose college expenses are in no way borne by men connected with base-ball interests, shall be eligible for a college nine. Any student who shall play on a professional base-ball nine as a member thereof, or receive pay thereof, shall not be eligible. Questions of eligibility to be investigated and decided by the Judiciary Committee on the application of any college.

ARTICLE VIII. - Section 1. Umpires shall be appointed by a unanimous vote of the Judiciary Committee. The umpires shall be two in number, with a substitute. * * In case of a tie game for championship the umpire shall be decided by lot. Section 2. - If a graduate of one of the colleges of the League pursue a course of study in any other college of the League he shall be compelled to play in the games against the college from which he received his degree, or not at all. This section is to take effect after the year 1887.

ARTICLE IX. The annual meeting of the League shall be held on the third Saturday of January in New York and Boston on alternate years; the meeting in 1888 to be held in New York. Each college shall be represented by not more than three delegates.
