The sad news of the death of Edward Fox Fessenden on last Friday evening, March 11, has cast a sudden and deep gloom upon the whole senior class. Mr. Fessenden had been in poor health for some weeks, and on Sunday was in great suffering. On Tuesday pneumonia manifested itself in its most violent form. Few men will be more regretted not only by his class mates but also by all his many friends in and about college. None who came in contact with his simple, manly character can fail to grieve at his loss. His career at college, both socially and in his studies, was one to serve as an example of straightforward, honest worth. A firm yet candid friend, ever willing to sacrifice his own pleasure to that of others, his uniform courtesy and quiet merit won for him the respect of all, the sincerest regard of those who knew him intimately. His success in the athletic field has upheld the honor of his college on more than one occasion, but neither victory nor defeat changed his even, pleasant manner through conceit or discouragement. He was an earnest, conscientious worker, full of energy and decision. His memory will live long in the heart of his friends, for to them his place will never be filled.
The college at large joins in the deepest expression of sympathy for his relatives in their affliction.
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