'89 CREW-BOOK. - On sale at Sever's, Amee's, Co-operative and Leavitt & Pierce's. Price, 75 cents. Please call for subscribed copies.
D. K. E. THEATRICALS. - Principals and members of the chorus can get their tickets at the society rooms this afternoon from 1.30 to 3.30 o'clock.
J. P. MORGAN, Jr.GLEE CLUB AND BANJO CLUB. - Members are requested to be at the Boston Art Club, corner of Dartmouth and Newbury streets, not later than 7.45 this evening.
D. K. E. THEATRICALS. - Principals and chorus will be measured for their costumes to-day at 1.30 at the rooms. Everyone must be present.
G. B. PAINTER.The third competition in pole-vaulting and shot-putting will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Entries will not be received for the winter meeting unless accompanied by a certificate from Dr. Sargent.
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Notice.PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Principals at 2; chorus at 4. Principals and chorus at 7. Everyone must come except the pirates. W.
Notices.ATHENAEUM THEATRICALS. - Rehearsal at 4.30 p.m. to-day. HASTY PUDDING CLUB. - A very important rehearsal of principals and chorus
Notices.PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Principals at 2. Full chorus at 4 and 7. Men who wish to go to New York will
Notice.PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Principals in Act III at 2; full chorus at 4; principals and chorus at 7. Come promptly. W.
Notice.PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Principals who have songs at 2. Principals and chorus of Act III at 4 and 7. W. H.