There are thirty-five candidates for the Exeter crew.
Yale has a flourishing club of amateur photographers.
There is a flourishing banjo club at Philips Exeter Academy.
There will be an hour examination in N. H. 4 shortly before Easter.
A letter from Professor Laughlin was published in the New York Post of March 8.
The base-ball games between the classes of the University of Pennsylvania begin March 14th. - Ex.
The Institute of Technology freshmen hold their class dinner to-night at Tremont House.
The junior class at Yale have decided, after much hesitation, to enter a crew in the spring regatta.
In Wisconsin a bill providing free text-books for the public schools has passed the legislature.
No appointment has been made to the editorial board of the Yale News from the Sheffield freshmen, owing to the poor quality of the work that has been offered by them.
The management of the freshman nine have received word from Williams that they will have no freshman nine this year as all their efforts are being exerted for the 'Varsity nine. - Yale News.
The Glee Club will give concerts shortly at Taunton and Fitchburg.
The Yale News comments on the smallness of the record made in the pole-vault contest last Saturday.
Mr. J. J. Hayes is at Amherst, delivering a course of readings. His sections will hold no meetings this week.
Walden, '81, a former captain of the nine, is said to be in favor of the proposed league of four colleges.-Yale News.
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English VI.