Princeton and Harvard will withdraw from the Intercollegiate Base-ball Association at the convention which is to be held in Springfield on Friday, and on Saturday there will be a meeting of the delegates of Princeton, Columbia and Harvard in Boston to form a new association. We are informed upon the best authority that Yale will also send delegates and enter the new league. The leading base-ball men of Yale have been from the first strongly in favor of the triple league, and their action in the matter has been perfectly honest and straightforward, but they were hampered by the feelings of a part of the college and of the graduates. Now the committee have full power and they have decided to enter the new league in spite of violent opposition from a number of men in college. For Yale has been placed in an extremely unfortunate position by the action of Princeton and Harvard, and now it looks as though she was being forced into the new league. It is for this reason that many Yale men desire to have their nine remain in the old association for this year at least. But the delegates have decided to follow out what have been their convictions from the first, though it will leave, perhaps, a false impression on the minds of the public. We congratulate the base-ball management of Yale upon the position which they have taken, and assure them of the hearty co-operation of Harvard in placing college base-ball on a higher level than ever before.
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