
No Headline

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: Is there not some way by which the number of newsboys at Memorial Hall in the evening can be reduced? It certainly does not seem necessary that there should be so many of them. Last night as I entered the hall I was assaulted by eight boys all anxious to dispose of a Record. As a student approaches the hall he encounters several boys who act as skirmishers, and if he gets past them he is met by the main body of boys who rush at him with a howl and inform him of the sole reliableness of the paper which happens to comprise the greater part of their stock. The boys seem to think that students come to the hall to amuse them and that it was built for their especial play-ground.

It seems to me that the directors

Memorial might make some regulation by which the number of newsboys should be restricted to three or, at the most, four. Such regulations would afford a great relief to the students.

