The marks in N. H. 2 are out.
G. F. Davidson, '85, is studying law in San Francisco.
Forty-four men are training for the Princeton Lacrosse Team.
Yale formerly boasted a "missionary society," supported by undergraduates.
The candidates for the Oxford and Cambridge crews train only six weeks.
Dr. Charles Waldstein is soon to deliver a short course of lectures at Cornell.
There are eight pitchers in training for the University of Pennsylvania nine.
One hundred and fifty-eight of the present freshman class are from Massachusetts.
President McCosh of Princeton is soon to address an anti-secret society convention in Chicago.
Yale is said to have more graduates engaged in journalism than any university or college in this country. - Yale News.
The Freshman Glee and Banjo clubs are practicing regularly; they will probably give their concert some time in May.
Slade, '90, who has been training with the 'Varsity, is now a candidate for the outfield on the freshman nine.
Mr. Cowles, president of the Yale News, was among the guests at the CRIMSON banquet Tuesday night. He leaves Cambridge to-morrow.
Mr. Russell Sturgis, Jr., will address the Harvard Young Men's Christian Association this evening at 6.30. All students are cordially invited.
Neither the faculty nor the overseers have to do with the disbursements of the college funds; this business is entirely in the hands of the corporation.
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St. Paul's Society.