The Cornell Dramatic club will soon put a comedy, "Engaged," on the stage.
The neat sum of $100,000 has been bequeathed by a lady in New York to Williams College.
Candidates for the Williams Mott Haven team have already begun to practice in the cage.
The young ladies' at Cornell are said to surpass in scholarship the male students. - Yale News.
A very interesting story by Mr. Sternberg, '87, appears in the current "Overland Monthly."
The present property of the Yale University Boat Club is estimated to be worth about $11,000.
The library authorities were much amused the other day by a freshman who asked for the works of Ibid.
The revised base-ball rules have been adopted by the New York State Intercollegiate Base-ball Association.
There is more interest in track athletics at Princeton this year than usual. There are twenty candidates for the Mott Haven team.
The first Cambridge assembly which was held in the gymnasium on Saturday night was a very enjoyable affair. A considerable number of college men attended.
At a meeting of the Princeton Students' Conference Committee held last Monday, Johnson, '87, was elected President, and Fraser, '88, Secretary. - Princetonian.
It is rumored that Dartmouth will apply for re-admission into the baseball league. If this is true Williams will be obliged to withdraw, as that was the condition on which she entered.
Prof. Lanciani, in his lecturing tour in this country, has suffered some $100 loss from the breaking of lantern slides and the like, caused by frequent packings and unpackings and the havoc of traveling.
The question of holding the winter meetings in the New Haven Armory, instead of in the gymnasium, is being agitated at Yale. It is claimed that the gymnasium is too small to accommodate the spectators.
The Dickinson College faculty have suspended for thirty days six more of the students who were instrumental in driving away Powell, a member of a class organization, for disclosing the names of offending students.
The horrible death of E. F. Dillon, a student of Dartmouth, in the Vermont Central Railroad accident is deeply to be deplored. Apart from losing a student by so shocking a death, Dartmouth lost in him the man on whom they counted as pitcher in the nine.
At a recent meeting of the Sheff. Freshmen the class cane was finally decided upon. The head is of sterling silver embossed with oxidized raised flowers. At one end will be engraved "Yale, '89, S.," and on top the name of the owner. The stick is of light colored English hazel.
The costumes of the Greek play are to be sold to the actors at fifty per cent. of their original cost. This plan is peculiar from the fact that the more any one individual did for the success of the play, the more he has to expend to obtain a momento. Indeed, this scheme is so consistently carried out, that Dikaiopolis and Lamachos cannot obtain their costumes at any price - they being retained for "preservation." Pennsylvanian.
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