
Yale Refuses


At New Haven, on Monday night, another mass meeting was called to decide whether or no the committee's adverse report should be accepted. It was accepted almost unanimously. All the Yale graduates who were consulted on the subject - among them Wyllys Terry, Walter Camp, George Adee, Walter Badger, and Sam Bremner - were opposed to the scheme; and their opposition seems to have converted all those who had previously inclined the other way. Like the chicken who was convinced that the sky was falling, when a rose leaf dropped upon her back, the dim suspicion of an "alliance" between Harvard and Princeton frightened the Yalensians into refusing. "Treason! Treason!" was the general cry of the assembly.

Well, what was a very good plan has been spoiled by what the Yale Courant has spoken of as the ever present tendency on the part of the Yale man to distrust every step of his rivals. The proposed league was not a plot to injure Yale but to play base-ball.

What Harvard will do in the matter remains to be seen. Another mass meeting will certainly be held to decide what shall be done; and Princeton also must be heard from before we can do anything. Now, indeed, O Yalensians, have we cause for plotting. Shall we return to the fold or form a league with Columbia and allow Yale to win the championship of nothing? Wait!
