

Will any who intend to write words for the Class Song please hand them to me before before April 1st.

W. R. SPAULDING, Chorister '87.Candidates for the freshmen nine need not report this afternoon. Please be at the gymanasium as usual.

J. VILA, Captain.The Very Reverend, the Dean of the Episcopal Theological School, Dr. G. Z. Gray, will address the St. Paul's Society this evening in Grays 17. The public is cordially invided.

RUSSELL DUANE, President.All seniors and students connected with the class of '87, who have not had sittings for their class pictures, are requested to make appointments at Pach's Studio, or with members of the committee as soon as possible.

PHOTOGRAPHIC COMMITTEE.H. T. A. L. - A regular meeting of the Harvard Total Abstinence League will be held in Sever 5, this evening at 7.30. A full attendance is urgently requested.


H. W. BRAINARD, Secretary.
