
Fact and Rumor.

The Williams's management has arranged a Southern trip for the nine.

Mr. Bliss Carman, Sp. S., had a poem in a recent number of the Critic.

Prof. Laughlin will give up his courses in Political Economy next year.

Mumps are fashionable at present. More than a dozen cases have been reported.

There are six crews in the University of Pennsylvania, four academic and two medical.


Prof. Dyer will contribute an article on "Euripides" to the next number of the "Monthly."

The Hasty Pudding Club of Harvard will soon build a club house at a cost of $25,000. - Ex.

The third eight to the '88 Pi Eta are: Edson, Harlow, Musaus, Nelson, Platt, Ropes, Towle and Wilson.

The Cornell Faculty propose to open the gymnasium in the evening, provided fifty students promise to exercise regularly.

A dramatic entertainment was given by the Lyceum Dramatic Company in Lyceum Hall yesterday afternoon, entitled the "Ticket-of-Leave Man." It was given in benefit of the strikers, and the attendance numbered about twenty, of whom more than half were children and paid half price.

The Cornell class day committee for '87 offers a prize of $5.00 for the best design submitted to them for the class day invitations.

Chicago is to have a University Club. There is to be a club house, and 300 or more members taken from the different college clubs in the city.

The strikers of East Cambridge paid a visit to the strikers of Harvard square last evening. There were about two hundred of them.

The curve of the third degree is the subject of a lecture to be given at Harvard next week. The base-ball season comes on apace. - Boston Record.

At a meeting of the Harvard Club of New York last Monday, Dr. Peabody delivered an address on the increasing interest in religion at Harvard.

One of the oldest houses in Exeter, built in 1790, was burned the other night. Several students roomed there, but all escaped, many of them securing nearly all their personal effects.

An alarm from Box 69 last evening attracted a number of men to Porter's Station with the usual disappointing result with which an alarm for a fire in Cambridge is usually attended.

For almost the first time in the history of the Athletic Association of the Institute of Technology, it cleared expenses at its first indoor meeting. At this meeting only members of the "Tech" are admitted.

The annual reunion of the Amherst alumni of central Massachusetts was held at Worcester, Feb. 21. A discussion on education took place, during which President Seelye of Amherst took ground in opposition to President Eliot's theory.

Information for History 3: "A man out west has been postmaster for nearly a year, and yet knew nothing of his appointment till the other day, when he was ordered to fill out and return bond sent him last evening." - Advertiser.

The souls of many men rose in patriotic indignation as they sat listening to a lecture in History -, hearing the Constitution of the United States discussed while the chimes were pealing into their ears that they ought to celebrate Washington's birthday in some more exhilarating way.
